Houari Boumediene Airport (ALG)

To Algiers

There are 2 ways to get to Algiers from Houari Boumediene Airport.



Houari Boumediene (ALG) is located 16 km from the city centre and getting to Algiers typically takes anywhere from 20 min to 24 min. The recommended transport option is the Train by Algeria National Rail which for DZD1.00 can bring you to Hussein Dey. You can be pretty sure to get there in approximately 20 min. Train departs every 60 min. Reaching in particular Chemin Fernane Hanafi, Hussein Dey is pretty convenient by taking the ETUSA, Algeria National Rail which can bring you directly there from the airport.

Route Options

Travel option
Train20mEvery 60m
Algeria National Rail
Dar El Beida
Hussein Dey
Travel option
Bus24mEvery 30m
Algiers Airport
Chemin Fernane Hanafi

Questions & Answers

The cheapest way to get from Houari Boumediene (ALG) to Algiers is by Train. It costs DZD1.00 and takes 20min. It departs every 60min.

The fastest way to get from Houari Boumediene (ALG) to Algiers is by Train. It takes 20min and costs DZD1.00. It departs every 60min.

Yes, there is a direct bus from Houari Boumediene (ALG) to Chemin Fernane Hanafi. It takes approximately 24min. The service operates every 30min .

Yes, there is a direct train from Houari Boumediene (ALG) to Hussein Dey. It takes approximately 20min. The service operates every 60min .

The distance from Houari Boumediene (ALG) to Algiers is 16 km.

The fastest way to get from Houari Boumediene (ALG) to Algiers is by Train. It takes 20min and costs DZD1.00. It departs every 60min.

Algeria National Rail takes approximately 20min to get from Houari Boumediene (ALG) to Hussein Dey. The service operates every 60min.

No, Uber is not available in Houari Boumediene (ALG).

There are no taxi options.

To get from Houari Boumediene (ALG) to Chemin Fernane Hanafi you can take the Bus, which takes 24min and costs .

To get from Houari Boumediene (ALG) to Hussein Dey you can take the Train, which takes 20min and costs DZD1.00.

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