Fort Lauderdale Hollywood Airport (FLL)

To Fort Lauderdale

There are 3 ways to get to Fort Lauderdale from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood Airport.



Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL) is located 5 km from the city centre and getting to Fort Lauderdale typically takes anywhere from 8 min to 23 min. The recommended transport option is the Bus by Broward County Transit which for $2.00 can bring you to Broward B/Ne 3 A. Uber is always a very convenient option costing $11.00 less than traditional taxis and bringing you to any destination in Fort Lauderdale . If you are two of you it will cost $1.00 more than the Bus. Reaching in particular Broward B/Ne 3 A is pretty convenient by taking the Broward County Transit which can bring you directly there from the airport.

Route Options

Travel option
Bus23mEvery 30m
Broward County Transit
Airport/Rental Car Center
Broward B/Ne 3 A
$2.00 - $3.00
Travel option
Uber Miami
All Terminals
Fort Lauderdale
$7.00 - $12.00
Travel option
All Terminals
Fort Lauderdale
$18.00 - $22.00

Uber Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL)

An Uber from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL) to Fort Lauderdale typically cost between $7.00 - $12.00. The following ride options are available for you to choose from:

  • UberXL
  • Lux
  • Pool
  • UberX
  • Lux SUV
For the Uber pick up at Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL): Follow the signs to the rideshare pickup area(s), located between Terminals 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 on the innermost curb. This is where all Uber driver-partners at FLL meet travelers for pickup.

Questions & Answers

The cheapest way to get from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL) to Fort Lauderdale is by Bus. It costs $2.00 - $3.00 and takes 23min. It departs every 30min.

The fastest way to get from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL) to Fort Lauderdale is by Uber. It takes 8min and costs $7.00 - $12.00.

Yes, there is a direct bus from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL) to Broward B/Ne 3 A. It takes approximately 23min. The service operates every 30min .

No, there isn't. A good alternative to get from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL) to Fort Lauderdale is with Bus. It costs $2.00 - $3.00 and takes 23min.

The distance from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL) to Fort Lauderdale is 5 km.

The fastest way to get from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL) to Fort Lauderdale is by Uber. It takes 8min and costs $7.00 - $12.00.

Broward County Transit takes approximately 23min to get from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL) to Broward B/Ne 3 A. The service operates every 30min.

Yes, Uber is available at Fort Lauderdale Hollywood and can bring you to Fort Lauderdale for $7.00 - $12.00 in 8min, costing you approximately $11.00 less than taxi.

The fare for a taxi from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL) to Fort Lauderdale is between $18.00 - $22.00, and should take around 8min. Alternatively you can take Uber, which costs $7.00 - $12.00.

To get from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL) to Broward B/Ne 3 A you can take the Bus, which takes 23min and costs $2.00 - $3.00.

To get from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood (FLL) to Fort Lauderdale you can take the Taxi, which takes 8min and costs $18.00 - $22.00.