Great Falls Airport (GTF)

To Great Falls

There are 3 ways to get to Great Falls from Great Falls Airport.



Great Falls (GTF) is located 5 km from the city centre and getting to Great Falls typically takes anywhere from 6 min to 35 min. The recommended transport option is the Bus by bus . Uber is always a very convenient option costing $13.00 less than traditional taxis and bringing you to any destination in Great Falls . Reaching in particular Great Falls. MT is pretty convenient by taking the bus which can bring you directly there from the airport.

Route Options

Travel option
Great Falls International Airport
Great Falls. MT
Travel option
Uber Bozeman
All Terminals
Great Falls
$12.00 - $17.00
Travel option
All Terminals
Great Falls
$25.00 - $30.00

Uber Great Falls (GTF)

An Uber from Great Falls (GTF) to Great Falls typically cost between $12.00 - $17.00. The following ride options are available for you to choose from:

  • uberX
  • uberXL
  • uberSKI
For the Uber pick up at Great Falls (GTF): Head to your pickup location.

Other popular destination you can get to, from Great Falls (GTF) with Uber:

  • Uber to Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center, starting at $24
  • Uber to Bowser Brewing Company, starting at $16

Questions & Answers

The cheapest way to get from Great Falls (GTF) to Great Falls is by Uber. It costs $12.00 - $17.00 and takes 6min.

The fastest way to get from Great Falls (GTF) to Great Falls is by Uber. It takes 6min and costs $12.00 - $17.00.

Yes, there is a direct bus from Great Falls (GTF) to Great Falls. MT. It takes approximately 35min. The service operates every Nonemin .

No, there isn't. A good alternative to get from Great Falls (GTF) to Great Falls is with Uber. It costs $12.00 - $17.00 and takes 6min.

The distance from Great Falls (GTF) to Great Falls is 5 km.

The fastest way to get from Great Falls (GTF) to Great Falls is by Uber. It takes 6min and costs $12.00 - $17.00.

bus takes approximately 35min to get from Great Falls (GTF) to Great Falls. MT.

Yes, Uber is available at Great Falls and can bring you to Great Falls for $12.00 - $17.00 in 6min, costing you approximately $13.00 less than taxi.

The fare for a taxi from Great Falls (GTF) to Great Falls is between $25.00 - $30.00, and should take around 6min. Alternatively you can take Uber, which costs $12.00 - $17.00.

To get from Great Falls (GTF) to Great Falls you can take the Taxi, which takes 6min and costs $25.00 - $30.00.

To get from Great Falls (GTF) to Great Falls. MT you can take the Bus, which takes 35min and costs .