Uber Jackson Evers (JAN)
An Uber from Jackson Evers (JAN) to Jackson typically cost between $19.00 - $25.00.
The following ride options are available for you to choose from:
For the Uber pick up at Jackson Evers (JAN): Head to the pickup location you selected. Your driver will meet you curbside on the first floor.
Other popular destination you can get to, from Jackson Evers (JAN) with Uber:
- Uber to downtown Jackson, starting at $17
- Uber to Jackson State University, starting at $17
- Uber to Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, starting at $12
Questions & Answers
The cheapest way to get from Jackson Evers (JAN) to Jackson is by Uber.
It costs $19.00 - $25.00 and takes 16min.
The fastest way to get from Jackson Evers (JAN) to Jackson is by Uber.
It takes 16min and costs $19.00 - $25.00.
No, there isn't. A good alternative to get from Jackson Evers (JAN) to Jackson is with Uber.
It costs $19.00 - $25.00 and takes 16min.
No, there isn't. A good alternative to get from Jackson Evers (JAN) to Jackson is with Uber.
It costs $19.00 - $25.00 and takes 16min.
The distance from Jackson Evers (JAN) to Jackson is 1211 km.
The fastest way to get from Jackson Evers (JAN) to Jackson is by Uber.
It takes 16min and costs $19.00 - $25.00.
Taxi takes approximately 16min to get from Jackson Evers (JAN) to Jackson.
Yes, Uber is available at Jackson Evers and can bring you to Jackson for $19.00 - $25.00 in 16min,
costing you approximately $16.00 less than taxi.
The fare for a taxi from Jackson Evers (JAN) to Jackson is between $35.00 - $45.00,
and should take around 16min.
Alternatively you can take Uber, which costs $19.00 - $25.00.
To get from Jackson Evers (JAN) to Jackson you can take the
Taxi, which takes 16min and costs $35.00 - $45.00.