Stockholm-Arlanda Airport (ARN)

To Stockholm

There are 4 ways to get to Stockholm from Stockholm-Arlanda Airport.



Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) is located 34 km from the city centre and getting to Stockholm typically takes anywhere from 18 min to 32 min. The recommended transport option is the Train by Arlanda Express which for SEK274.00 can bring you to Stockholm Centralstation. You can be pretty sure to get there in approximately 18 min. Train departs every 20 min. Uber is always a very convenient option costing SEK133.00 less than traditional taxis and bringing you to any destination in Stockholm . If you are two of you it will cost SEK30.00 less than the Train. Reaching in particular Karolinska sjukhuset norra, Stockholm Centralstation is pretty convenient by taking the Flygbussarna, Arlanda Express which can bring you directly there from the airport.

Route Options

Travel option
Train18mEvery 20m
Arlanda Express
Arlanda Södra station
Stockholm Centralstation
Travel option
Bus32mEvery 30m
Arlanda terminal 5 buss
Karolinska sjukhuset norra
SEK70.00 - SEK88.00
Travel option
All Terminals
SEK620.00 - SEK753.00
Travel option
Uber Stockholm
All Terminals
SEK487.00 - SEK665.00

Uber Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN)

An Uber from Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) to Stockholm typically cost between SEK487.00 - SEK665.00. The following ride options are available for you to choose from:

  • uberX
  • UberBLACK
  • uberXL
  • UberLUX
For the Uber pick up at Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN): Head outside to the “appride” pickup area. You’ll find detailed instructions in the app explaining you where to go, depending on what terminal you’re at.

Questions & Answers

The cheapest way to get from Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) to Stockholm is by Bus. It costs SEK70.00 - SEK88.00 and takes 32min. It departs every 30min.

The fastest way to get from Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) to Stockholm is by Train. It takes 18min and costs SEK274.00. It departs every 20min.

Yes, there is a direct bus from Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) to Karolinska sjukhuset norra. It takes approximately 32min. The service operates every 30min .

Yes, there is a direct train from Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) to Stockholm Centralstation. It takes approximately 18min. The service operates every 20min .

The distance from Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) to Stockholm is 34 km.

The fastest way to get from Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) to Stockholm is by Train. It takes 18min and costs SEK274.00. It departs every 20min.

Arlanda Express takes approximately 18min to get from Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) to Stockholm Centralstation. The service operates every 20min.

Yes, Uber is available at Stockholm-Arlanda and can bring you to Stockholm for SEK487.00 - SEK665.00 in 32min, costing you approximately SEK133.00 less than taxi.

The fare for a taxi from Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) to Stockholm is between SEK620.00 - SEK753.00, and should take around 32min. Alternatively you can take Uber, which costs SEK487.00 - SEK665.00.

To get from Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) to Karolinska sjukhuset norra you can take the Bus, which takes 32min and costs SEK70.00 - SEK88.00.

To get from Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) to Stockholm you can take the Taxi, which takes 32min and costs SEK620.00 - SEK753.00.

To get from Stockholm-Arlanda (ARN) to Stockholm Centralstation you can take the Train, which takes 18min and costs SEK274.00.