Vilnius Airport (VNO)

To Vilnius

There are 3 ways to get to Vilnius from Vilnius Airport.



Vilnius (VNO) is located 6 km from the city centre and getting to Vilnius typically takes anywhere from 8 min to 14 min. The recommended transport option is the Train by Lithuanian Railways (LG) which for LTL1.00 can bring you to Vilnius(LT). You can be pretty sure to get there in approximately 8 min. Reaching in particular J.T. Vaizganto, Vilnius(LT) is pretty convenient by taking the Trafi LT, Lithuanian Railways (LG) which can bring you directly there from the airport.

Route Options

Travel option
Lithuanian Railways (LG)
Oro Uostas
LTL1.00 - LTL2.00
Travel option
Bus14mEvery 10m
Trafi LT
Vilnius Airport
J.T. Vaizganto
Travel option
Uber Vilnius
All Terminals
LTL3.00 - LTL6.00

Uber Vilnius (VNO)

An Uber from Vilnius (VNO) to Vilnius typically cost between LTL3.00 - LTL6.00. The following ride options are available for you to choose from:

  • uberX
For the Uber pick up at Vilnius (VNO): This is where all Uber partner-drivers at VNO meet travellers for pick up. On the upper level by the departures the driver can only stop to pick you up but cannot wait for a long time. If you are running late, your driver can stay in the parking area next to arrivals for only 15 minutes.

Questions & Answers

The cheapest way to get from Vilnius (VNO) to Vilnius is by Train. It costs LTL1.00 - LTL2.00 and takes 8min.

The fastest way to get from Vilnius (VNO) to Vilnius is by Train. It takes 8min and costs LTL1.00 - LTL2.00.

Yes, there is a direct bus from Vilnius (VNO) to J.T. Vaizganto. It takes approximately 14min. The service operates every 10min .

Yes, there is a direct train from Vilnius (VNO) to Vilnius(LT). It takes approximately 8min. The service operates every Nonemin .

The distance from Vilnius (VNO) to Vilnius is 6 km.

The fastest way to get from Vilnius (VNO) to Vilnius is by Train. It takes 8min and costs LTL1.00 - LTL2.00.

Lithuanian Railways (LG) takes approximately 8min to get from Vilnius (VNO) to Vilnius(LT).

Yes, Uber is available at Vilnius and can bring you to Vilnius for LTL3.00 - LTL6.00 in 8min, costing you approximately taxi.

There are no taxi options.

To get from Vilnius (VNO) to J.T. Vaizganto you can take the Bus, which takes 14min and costs .

To get from Vilnius (VNO) to Vilnius you can take the Uber, which takes 8min and costs LTL3.00 - LTL6.00.

To get from Vilnius (VNO) to Vilnius(LT) you can take the Train, which takes 8min and costs LTL1.00 - LTL2.00.